
 admin   2023-11-02 20:30   122 人阅读  0 条评论

天涯论坛安徽鹤壁天气案 Hi, i haven't any good subject, because topics are other students said. but today i'll 因为好话题都被其他同学说过了。但是我今天要给大家谈谈这几天的天气,做一个小小

这天气如何钓鲤鱼案 南京多云29℃~22℃

给你的永远给不了别人案 晴有时多云,偏东风3及。

天气热臭美的图片案 小学水平?? Today is Sunday.There were some clouds in the sky in the morning.In 今天是周日.在上午天上有一些云.在下午,天气很凉爽并且有风.在晚上,天气也很凉爽.

描写秋天的成语天气案 We will report the weather of the near future to you soon

罕见的登月视频案 18th August 2006, sunny sunny with some breezy temperature; high at 26C, low at 21C tomorrow forcast; thunder-storm high at 24C, low at 18C

用古文表达天气冷案 从湿度、温度、昼夜温差、风级大小入手可以写一份简单的天气报告。 昼夜长短只需要自已算一下,可以观察一个月。气候特征就看你是什么气候区了(应该是亚热带季风

广州红山区案 Hello everybody! Although there is no more good topic left to me today since the better ones had been chosen by my classmates, I am ready to forecast the weather of these

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