
 admin   2023-11-02 06:30   94 人阅读  0 条评论

元旦期间的重庆天气对由此造成的不便表示歉意 Feel sorry for the inconvenience caused by this

庐山近期天气情况案 i'm very sorry for the inconvenience of what we give you

天气预报下载玖玖案 Sorry for the inconvenience It's our fault

杨哲数学是真的吗案 I am sorry for the trouble I have caused you. 希望对你有帮助~ 天上~

吕梁交城天气预警信息案 We are sorry for the inconvience occured.We appolorgize for any inconvience.(这个是广州地铁最常用的句子。) 两个都可以,第二个更加正式。


喜德尼波镇天气I'm very sorry for any inconvenience I've caused you. Please forgive me for the inconvenience brought to you.这两种都可以

切东光天气预报案 告诉你一个最地道的翻译吧!sorry for inconviencing you 怎么样,又简单,又地道吧?这是我从美国电影中看到的,我是专业翻译,有资格证书呦!翻译就得从原版英文中

给人打工一天的感受案 we apologize for any inconvenient to you caused by this. 很的说服哦^_^ 翻译是对于因此而对您造成的不便我们表示歉意。

农田创意机械设计方案案 i'm sorry to trouble you ,最简洁的回


真的好饿aaa案 抱歉造成不便,我们正在内部商讨可以满足你们要求的办法。翻译是Sorry for the inconvenience. We are discussing internally to meet your requirements.句子解释

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