
 admin   2024-02-03 12:30   50 人阅读  0 条评论

提高金融服务三农效率案 根据可靠的天气预报,本周末天气晴朗。There will be a sunny weekend this week according to the reliable weather forecast.最准确,请采纳,有题追,祝好!【来自英

山西迎降水天气预警My Weekend Today, I got up at8:00 at usual. And I have a busy day. In the morning, I studied for two hours. Andthen my father told me to visit my uncle with him. We took

每一天一顿小菜案 星期六天气很好全部释义和例句>> The weather was fine on Saturday. 星期六天气很好全部释义和例句>> The weather was fine on Saturday.

如何应对冰雹天气影响案 今天天气怎么样What's the weather like today? 或者How's the weather today? 另外DO you know When are these holidays ? 句子之中有错,应该是另外DO you

太子岭实时天气查询案 上周日天气怎么样what was the weather (like)(on) last Sunday .

孕妇百香果可以吃吗案 案是what will the weather be like this weekend ? ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提,感谢采纳!~

女生学医 学什么专业比较好案 This sunday will be fine.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)

新乡天气今天大风案 What is the weather like on Sunday?

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