什么牌子的营养油好案 It looks like rain [raining]. 看来要下雨了。It looks as if it's going to rain. 像要下雨了 It's getting warmer (and warmer). 天气越来越暖和了。I think there'll be a storm
最新北京暴雨活动目标 1、知道一些动物习性的变化和天气之间的关系,了解天气的多样性。2、在多种形式中表现对天气的感受。3、激发幼儿探索自然界奥秘的兴趣。活动准备多
九江新干天气rain cats and dogs
自己脾气真的不好案 Sunday Cloudy Windy Snowy Rainy 然后配图说明即可 请采纳,谢谢
1962河源洪水案 询天气怎么样? What's the weather like today? How's the weather today? 记心上。 回天气很容易,It's 后面加天气。 天气变化无规律,各种情况用心记。 It's sunny. 天
打架拿东西的人案 Part 1 A: It looks like it's going to be sunny. 今天看来像是个晴天。 B: Yes, it's much 但愿不会再冷。 PART 4 A: Beautiful day, isn't it? 今天天气真好,是不是? B: Yes, it's
智慧语音自动播报天气案 It's clear.It's cloudy.It's clear to cloudy.It's rainy.The temperature is between minus 2 and 3 degree C.