
 admin   2024-01-09 14:30   80 人阅读  0 条评论

冷嘎措贡天气案 What a day!不单单可以形容天气,当你一天工作很累,你向朋友抱怨时你也可以说这句话,所以如果想对方更明确你的意思的话,个人认为还是直接把“weather”

浪漫派李白案 天气不好极了 The weather is the worst.

天气热人没有胃口今天天气怎么样? what 's the weather like today? how is the weather today?

低速方向咯噔的感觉案 On the morning of when the weather is bad 那天早上出发时天气非常糟糕

撤仓的方舱医院干活安全吗案 Today the weather is very bad, the students may be because the temperature is very cold, the classmates all don't want to stay in the classroom go out!

spars歌曲案 How bad the weather is!感叹句式

英国雷电天气预报案 the weather is bad! 天气很差是the weather is so bad!

真的有人双性别吗案 What a terrible/horrible day!

怒海潜沙天气案 How bad the weather is! The weather is very bad.


那一天车The weather is really terrible today! Or today's weather is quite bad.

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