
 admin   2023-12-16 12:30   73 人阅读  0 条评论

天气热的周末候案 1 How's the weather in your hometown in spring? It's warm and rainy. 2 Are the oranges in the blue box the same weight as those in the red one?

如何提已经毕业的学姐案 My hometown is warm in spring.My hometown is hot in summer.My hometown is a little cold in autumn.My hometown is very cold in winter.There are many snows in winter in

宝宝知道妈妈走了吗案 What is the weather like in hometown? hometown n. 家乡;故乡 最熟悉的书本上的原句,,, What is the weather like in Bei jing? 记得不?很多可以从书上找到原型

土豆泥不会散案 in the spring ,chengdu's weather is warm in the summer ,chengdu's weather is so hot. in the autunm ,chengdu's weather is cool in the winter ,chengdu's weather is cold (*^__

山西结冰天气预警信息案 what is the weather look like in your hometown ?


禹州精准天气预报案 你家乡春天的气候如何

痛也只有自己知道案 how is the weather in your hometown?

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