
 admin   2023-12-11 02:30   73 人阅读  0 条评论

腘窝结节症状案 warm :sweater jacket coat jeans pants cool :shirt skirt T-shirt dress shorts

陪我一起去海滩案 Today is cloudy, weather become warmer, temperature 10-15 degree, tomorrow maybe more cloudy

天气系统地理章节内容案 This is the weather report of today.The temperature is between 28 degrees to 40 degrees.In the daytime ,it's cloudy and hot.In the night , it will turn to be a thunderstorm .There

天气冷盖被子了案 晴天云简表 云名 云的形态变化 高度 厚度 天气征兆 卷云 像羽毛像绫纱,丝丝缕缕地漂浮着 最高 最薄 象征晴朗 卷积云 像水面的鳞波,是成群成行的卷云 很高 很薄 无雨雪

高温天气水稻怎么养殖案 freezing cold chilly(rather cold),cool,mild,warm,hot. overcast (covered with cloud),cloudy Humidity:damp,humid, Rain:drizzle(fine misty rain)downpour(heavy usu sudden,fall of

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