
 admin   2023-12-09 20:30   74 人阅读  0 条评论

泰安天气光照强度案 I have a brother.He is very smart,he often says,i'm an adult. The words he said 我有一个弟弟,他很聪明.他经常说“我是一个成年人.”这总是让我们很开心.他告诉我

暴雨天气小麦价格案 This was my brother at his early age. 这是我弟弟小时候

周四实时天气查询案 我的弟弟去年在剑桥大学上学 My brother studied at Cambridge University last year

2021年常熟天气9案 其中我弟弟最小。My brother is the youngest.说明young not yet old; not as old as others 年轻的;岁数不大的;相对年轻的 例句I am the youngest of four sisters.我是四

骗取农田植保资金案 弟弟比我小四岁,也是学生 My brother is four years younger than me, and he is also a student.

春节期间车辆保养检查内容案 This two boys are my brothers. 我两个男还是我的弟弟。 【望楼主采纳】【完成任务,顺便帮助帮助楼主】【祝楼主天天开心、学习进步O(∩_∩)O~~】

韶山毛故居旅游天气案 Which year was your brother born?

周口淮阳天气顶报案 My brother is very cute, have seen him say he grew up must be a guy, because he now 我的弟弟非常可爱,见过他的人都说他长大一定是个帅哥,因为他现在已经有很多追

金丝绒衣服案 My brother is a baby.


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