
 admin   2023-12-06 18:30   70 人阅读  0 条评论

有没有感动呀案 The weather is fine today. 如还有疑~欢迎追 学习进步~若觉得满意~请记得采纳~~∩_∩

榆林冬天最冷天气案 Enhance physical fitness Will temper Relax Yourself The weather is cold The drill ground is crowded Monotonous The studies are tight Listens to music, does one's

在天气逐渐变好案 这里天气很好,我很喜欢 The weather is very nice here, I like it.你认为苏州就业压力大吗?Do you think the employment has big pressure in Suzhou?

吃药降温体温低了案 Today is Monday, the weather was very good / very good, the students are learning very seriously, my partner has finally come to school today, and I am very happy.

大风天气公司安全知识案 1 Today is a fine day. /Today is a sunny day. 2 How terrible the weather is today!


木连天气预报案 今天天气不错,让我的心情也晴朗了 The weather is not so bad today, it also made my mood clear and bright.或 The weather is good today, it also made my mood clear and

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