
 admin   2023-12-06 12:30   69 人阅读  0 条评论

浪潮的主要竞争对手案 You are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf, “你是一颗莲叶底的大露珠 I am the smaller one on its upper side. 我是那莲叶上方的那一小颗.” said the dew drop to

湖南怀化长沙的天气案 rain fine drizzle

关闭桌面天气预告栏案 (一)。 一天,美国著名的科学家爱因斯坦遇见他的一个老朋友在纽约的大街上。 这个卫星拍照的气氛(大气),因为这是天气的形式(形成)。他们把这些照片的气

天气高温40度说说案 It's sunny today.All the students in our class are going out for a walk.The sun is shining on us,we are feeling comfortable.At first,we are flying our kites,I am so happy that my

在途记录啥意思案 In the first picture this is my parents this is eight years old I we at that time in the water cube was in summer, the weather is very hot in below one piece of picture we in dragon


春夏钓鱼什么天气好案 你的图解好简单。。。。我来臆想一下!(对了,这是初中英语题?) It's spring. It's sunny today. There is a girl planting trees. (貌似要求的都讲完了,后面再加两句修(

冰雪天气社区敲门案 1、打开“有道词典”,右击桌面右下角的图标,在弹出的菜单中选择“软件设置” 完成以后将多出的“开启OCR强力取词”勾选,这样你就可以进行图片的英文翻译了

实验区天气干旱教案案 您好,可翻译为photo/photograph/picture/photography

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