
 admin   2023-12-01 02:30   84 人阅读  0 条评论

息县天气预报明天what is the weather like ?It sounds terrible.The wind is strong,

舟山定海天气雪花severe weather spell 恶劣的天气

蒙城现在什么天气了案 雾霾天气越来越严重的英文翻译_百度翻译 雾霾天气越来越严重 Increasingly severe fog and haze 全部释义和例句试试人工翻译 雾霾天气越来越严重的英文翻译_百度翻译

二月漳州天气案 天气很糟糕,并且空气太脏了。The weather was terrible there, and the air was so dirty.好好学习哦~~~

天津蓝色天气预警信号案 可以是terrible可怕的,糟糕的。

苏州方舱医院是干嘛的案 A Bad Day It was Monday yesterday. A heavy snow attacted our city, Wuxi in the morning. The weather was even worse in the afternoon, I had to walk back home after school.

迅猛的迅是哪个星座案 It's fog haze today, really serious pollution

周末正常约会案 由恶劣天气引起的自然灾害是很可怕的 Natural disasters caused by bad weather are terrible.

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