
 admin   2023-11-18 18:30   98 人阅读  0 条评论


有什么歌词有温柔案 It was a sunny and beautiful weekend.My classmates an I went hiking in the Daming Lake Park,which made us very happy.Some people was singing while other people were

寒天粉是不是琼脂案 hot or wet, well, u can say humid.The humid climate didn't agree with me,at least.In hot weather the temperature gets very high

天气降温配文图片案 武汉的天气怎么样?How is the weather like in Wuhan?

星座板Wuhan is very hot in summer, but it seldom rains, people could hardly stand it, so want to go to the beach to play, I hope I can keep cool


靠自己的实力挣案 A: What's the weather like in Wuhan city ? B: At this time, in spring, it's often rain. A: How about summer? B: In summer, it's very hot! Many people will stay at home. A: What

北方天气真不热呀案 Today's weather is very good,it's sunny,in this weather,we are feeling good like spring.

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